Spots open now for 2024 Mastermind

What Do Most Successful Businesses Have In Common?

The Owners Are Part Of A Mastermind.

Apply Now - New Groups Starting Soon

What Is A Mastermind?

A group of like-minded people that agree to meet online bi-monthly, to tackle challenges and business growth together. They lean on each other, share advice, offer support, and even connections when appropriate.

Why should I join a mastermind?

You'll be part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.  You go through an application process so that you are placed with other entrepreneurs that need you as much as you need them.   The experience and knowledge of applicants are paired for the best results.

You won't feel alone, collaboration is the name of the game.

Joining a mastermind expands your network and knowledge.  Everyone in the mastermind is uniquely skilled and experienced.  By interacting and sharing challenges, you will get a solution, connection, or tactic to help you.

How would you like to join a group of like-minded entrepreneurs?

Sales and Marketing

Wholesale, Retail, eCommerce and anything sales- we will talk about it.  
Pricing, products, placement, promotions and  social media.

Planning and Expanding

Time management to plan your day and schedule your marketing.
How to expand your brand visibility to achieve more customers and fans.

Joint Ventures

Make new friends and lasting business relationships that will last after the mastermind.  Possible joint ventures with other entrepreneurs you meet.

Hi, I'm Becky and I want you to join this mastermind if:

You sell products and...

You want to grow both professionally and personally.

You want to increase your income.

​You want support and community and you're willing to support others too.

What's Included?

We will meet for 90 minutes twice a month for six or nine months, depending on your level, via Zoom Video Conferencing.  

We will check out where you are in your business now, and develop a personalized plan.

You will receive one 30-minute one-on-one with Becky for personal business coaching.

Each week we will cover a key area of business as a group.

You will have access to my private Facebook group.

Each group size will be limited to ensure each participant has quality interaction time with other participants and me.

You will also receive FREE access to my digital programs while you're in the mastermind.
Is this mastermind for me?
If you have a product-based business and want to build it strategically, this is for you.

If you like being around like-minded entrepreneurs just like you, this is for you.

If you want more sales, this is for you.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and not sure what to do next to build your business, this is for you.

Join Us Now

What Do I Do Next?

Fill out this form so we place you in the right mastermind, then pick the group below and make your first payment. Group and payment options are below.

Mastermind Options

Pick the mastermind that fits your business needs and make the first payment to save your seat. Make sure you fill out the form above with all your business information.

Inner Circle


Each Month For Three Months

Inner Circle is a 3-month Mastermind Program, that is designed to help you grow your business.  This program is for businesses that have already launched, already making money, and now want to put systems and processes in place.

As a member of the Inner Circle program, you will be provided with three months of group coaching and mastermind calls so you can confidently learn how to scale your business with systems and processes. Together, in a small group coaching environment, we'll support each other to ensure that your business is successful.

As a member of the Inner Circle program, you will receive the following: 

  • Twice a month, Group Coaching Calls with your group and Becky.
  • Access to the private, Next Level "Members Only" Facebook group. This is an interactive community of Next Level members where you can offer and receive support.
  • Access to Becky as needed by email.
  • Access to Perfectly Planned Promotions.
Join Now

Next Level


Each Month For Six Months

Next Level is a 6-month Mastermind Program to help you take your business to the 'Next Level.'  This program is for businesses that have already hit six figures and now want to scale with multiple revenue streams and put systems and processes in place to scale.

As a member of the Next Level program, you will be provided with nine months of group coaching and mastermind calls so you can confidently take your business to the Next Level. Together, in a small group coaching environment, we'll support each other to ensure that your next launch or promotion is successful and that your business is booming.

As a member of the Next Level program, you will receive: 

  • Twice a month, Group Coaching Calls with your group and Becky.
  • Access to the private, Next Level "Members Only" Facebook group. This is an interactive community of Next Level members where you can offer and receive support.
  • Access to Becky as needed by email.
  • Two one-to-one sessions with Becky.
  • Access to all Becky's digital products.
  • Potential to be on Product Biz Made Easy Podcast.
Join Now

Mastermind Application

Please fill out this application so we can place you in the right mastermind.